Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I can't wait to see you.  

I hope you can come out to be with us, to be with ME, for a little this summer or fall.  Or winter.  Whatever.  I'm not picky.

The trip to Great Sand Dunes was worth it.  Lots of tromping and sweat and hard liquor.  Most of the girls couldn't make it, but I had more fun before the ones who could showed up anyway.  So my quest to have girlfriends in Colorado is still kind of stalled.

I'm not invited to L's wedding, FYI.  Not a thing -- I didn't invite her to mine.  It's one of my few regrets for it actually. Somehow over the years I've collected so many more friends than B, and I was trying to keep numbers down.  But I think she would have come, and ultimately I want to keep her in at least the periphery of my life.  If the weekend I am in Boston allows for it, I'll try to see her then and bring her flowers and try to emphasize how happy I am for her.  

...Are we happy for her?  I guess I don't have a solid enough read on Whats-His-Name.  I hope he gets how fucking cool she is.

We're under contract for a house.  Inspection is tomorrow, so if that goes well, I'll go more public about it.  Facebook fucking galore.  Until then, I'm trying not to get my hopes up.  It's a real house with a yard and walls that don't touch a neighbor's.  It's in Boulder for [POTENTIAL] school district purposes.  It's more than I can afford, but not too bad.  It has personality.

I'm stressed.  There are so many things stressing me right now.  I won some big stuff at work.  I lost some not quite as big stuff, and somehow that keeps me up at night.  The concept of a mortgage tying me to a place is stressful.  The concept of going it more or less alone since B isn't making money and has a crap credit score is stressful.  But I still really, REALLY want this house to work.

I miss you.  You're so grounding.  

I can't wait to see you.

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